IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses in IT Networking

Muhammad Musa
5 min readJun 15, 2024


Internet Protocol (IP) is one of the most significant protocols valued to ease communication between the devices on the Internet. This refers to the determination of the formats by which data packets will be labeled and the path they are to follow while getting to their destinations. There are two major versions of the IP used in current networks IP version 4 (IPv4), and IP version 6 (IPv6).

Structure and Representation:

IPv4 was developed in the early 1980, and it is based on the 32-bit addressing system which results in approximately 4. 3 billion unique addresses. An IPv4 address is basically expressed in dotted decimal notation, to make up of four octets separated by period (for example, 192. 168. 1. 1). They are comprised of eight binary digits representing a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 255.

This addressing scheme offered the enough capability at the initial stages of the internet growth. Nevertheless, the situation changed with the development of the system of connected devices based on the internet, where IPv4’s problems with the address space became critical.

Address Classes and Subnetting:

IPv4 addresses are considered into five classes (A, B, C, D, and E), primarily for routing and organizational purposes: IPv4 addresses are categorized into five classes (A, B, C, D, and E), primarily for routing and organizational purposes

Class A: MPLS Supports very large networks, network with tens, hundreds, thousands and even millions of hosts. The first octet is defined as a number from one up to one hundred and twenty-six.

Class B: Covers moderately big networks. The first octet of an IP address indicates a number that can range from 128 to 191, while the second octet varies between 0 and 254.

Class C: This is appropriate to small networks. The first octet ranges from 192 to 223 or the first three bytes of the IP address lie between 192 and 223.

Class D: Designated to multicast groups, which is the data to be transmitted to a number of hosts in the network.

Class E: Used sparingly and retained for future use only, especially when experimentation with a new technique or a product is intended.

Subnetting is the act of partitioning a big network in a smaller network or subnetwork for easy management. This procedure means that some portion of the web address is borrowed to generate other new web addresses, making the administration of the address allocation more efficient, and effective in management of the networks.

IPV6 Structure and Representation:

IPv6 was invented to supplement or replace IPv4 since the latter was found to have its weaknesses. IPv6 was introduced in the late 1990s as an improvement to IPv4, with a 128- bit addressing space that makes the availability of IP addresses almost infinite with an estimated 340 undecillion possible addresses. Such a large address area makes it possible for every device that exists to be given its separate IP address.

An IPv6 address is written in hexadecimal format, divided into eight groups of four hex digits, separated by colons

Key Features and Advantages:

IPv6 introduces several key features and advantages over IPv4:IPv6 introduces several key features and advantages over IPv4:

Larger Address Space: Regarding the pros of using IPv6, the most important one is probably the size of the address space; it reduces the possibility of address depletion and contributes to expansion of the internet.

Modern Global Network Protocols; IPv4 and IPv6

Real-World Applications:

In the modern world, IPv4 and IPv6 are incontestably important they have their individual purposes depending on the network requirements and the environment.

IPv4: Still, IPv4 is prevalent mainly because of the established framework and compatibility with the majority of systems currently in use. Ipv4 remains the main standard to this day in establishing many networks, especially in areas where IPv6 has had a slow uptake.

IPv6: Today, most IPv6 adoption is seen in areas that are experiencing a higher uptake in internet connected devices more especially in Asia and Europe. It is now employed in IoT (Internet of Things) installations, cloud computing, and the advanced networks that modern society and businesses demand that have many thousands of specific IP addresses.

Assessment and Planning: This entails conducting a feasibility study of the current existing network to determine which devices are IPv6 compatible, and the best approach to use in migrating from IPv4 to IPv6.

Training and Certification: Encourage IT personnel certification for the proper implementation of IPv6 by participating in professional development in this field.

Incremental Deployment: Plan IPv6 to be deployed in a gradual manner and initially on the peripheral devices before being adopted on the central network components. As a result, configurations that support the creation of either one IPv4 or two IPv6 addresses are beneficial in this case.

Monitoring and Testing: Also ensure that for the new network, constant performance check is conducted as well as extra testing to assess the new network’s performance in case of any problems arising in the process of network transition.

Vendor Support: Maintain a good working relationship with the vendors to ensure that all developing, purchasing, and procuring of both the hardware and software are IPv6 compliant, and work with the vendors to ensure that they are updated continually to meet with the latest IPv6 compatibilities as well as security.

Tunneling: IPv6 packets are thus encased in IPv4 packets, thus able to travel through IPv4 networks. Some of the better-known tunneling protocols include, 6to4, and ISATAP.

Translation: Network Address Translation — Protocol Translation (NAT-PT) and other translation mechanisms translate parts of or entire IPv4 packets to IPv6, and vice versa, so that there is IPv4 as well as IPv6 compatibility.

Thank you for Reading and Understanding!



Muhammad Musa
Muhammad Musa

Written by Muhammad Musa

IT System Admin | Designer | Article Writer | Web Designing | IT Networking

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