My First Job as an IT Technician

Muhammad Musa
3 min readJun 21, 2024

My first recognition of the career world was as an IT technician at my first workplace it was both exciting and anxiety. For those just starting their careers, it may be just as exciting as it is nerve wracking to finally be entering the professional world and putting your college degree to use. I felt nervous like a bee.

The First Day

My first day was no usual day I can say it was more than special and amazing day for me. I introduced myself, the office manager and she immediately took me to where my partition was going to be. This was the type of space where you could feel that it was yours and you could be in control. I was barely able to sit down in front of my computer and work than a anxious call comes from the director.

Settling In: Learning the Chains

Months slowly increased into becoming normal working weeks, and I got used to my job. It was not just servers every day some problem cropped up be it the LAN or the WAN connection being down for some reason or the other, or some software not working properly at some point of time and the more I solved them the more appreciation and credit I received from my peers.

Unexpected Friendships:

One day, I had to assist Fazila. A receptionist in her late fifties who was battling with emails one day. This woman, she instantly made me think of my grandmother; because of this, I decided to treat her gently. We were able to spend an hour working on it where I showed her how to correct the email. She was one of my strongest supporters at the office.

The Big Project: A Test of Leadership

Midway through my first year, I was handed a significant project: From upgrading the company’s whole IT services to the implementation of complex software solutions, upgrade of servers, the modifications of the network infrastructure and the transferring of data to the cloud. I have a strong experience in leading a small team and being very careful while planning each of the stages.

Reflecting back on my first job as an IT technician, I was able to learn a lot about both the field and in my personal growth. Although it was scary at first, I grew confident in my ability in the course of the studies and got used to meeting new problems every day. From here I found out that IT is not about fixing computers alone rather it is about assisting individuals and making them perform well.

As I continue my journey in the IT field, I carry with me the knowledge that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and every problem is a chance to make a positive impact.

Thank you for Reading.



Muhammad Musa

IT System Admin | Designer | Article Writer | Web Designing | IT Networking