You need to understand IP classes, It’s like understanding locations.

Muhammad Musa
4 min readJun 24, 2024

The concept of IP addressing is as follows: in the endless massiveness of the internet or any other working network, each device should be equipped with its own address. This identifier is known as an IP address short for Internet Protocol. Every house has an address to receive mails in the same way, every device needs an IP address to transmit or receive info. With IP classes goes a long way into using in networking particularly in addressing the nodes as well as to realize how the internet works at its core.

What is an IP Address?

An IP address is a unique number assigned to every host on an IP network, which primarily utilizes the Internet Protocol for data communication. It serves two main functions:

To provide this information, one will first identify the host or network interface by looking at the last bytes of the network IP address to determine the network segment on which the host is located.

The IP address is 32 bits in size, but it’s represented in what known as the dotted-decimal notation for example 192. 168. 1. 1.

The Concept of IP Classes:

IPv4 used system that divides the address space into classes, is the original Internet Protocol address system. It plays the role of easing efficient management of network addresses and overcrowding. There are five primary classes of IP addresses:

A, B, C, D, and E.

Key picture to understanding ip classes

1. Class A:

Range: 1. 0. 0. 0 to 126. 0. 0. 0

Subnet Mask: 255. 0. 0. 0

Network Host Portion: The first part of the address refers to the network and the next three parts are for host.

Usage: Declared for very great size internetworks, for example, multinational company or large ISP, with more than 16,777,216 host addresses to each network.

2. Class B:

Range: 128. 0. 0. 0 to 191. 255. 0. 0

Subnet Mask: 255. 255. 0. 0

Network Host Portion: The first two bytes are assigned to the network, while the other two are for hosts.

Usage: Middle-sized designated networks for organizations like universities or large companies having more than 65000 host addresses per network.

3. Class C:

Range: 192. 0. 0. 0 to 223. 255. 255. 0

Subnet Mask: 255. 255. 255. 0

Network Host Portion: The first three octets comprise the network portion of an IP address, while the last octet is designed specifically for host numbers.

Usage: This is suitable in small networks such as in business or private ones, offering up to 254 host addressing for a network.

4. Class D:

Range: 224. 0. 0. 0 to 239. 255. 255. 255

Usage: Solely meant for multicast groups, with the capability to send a single packet to more than one address at once. This proves significant for streaming media and other applications that require instant data transfer.

5. Class E:

Range: 240. 0. 0. 0 to 255. 255. 255. 255

Usage: As for Germanium, it is to be kept for experiments and future use as well. Although it is a portable and lightweight device it is not commonly used for standard networking.

Network Design:

And, very importantly, whether one can design a network efficiently or not depends on whether one knows how to allocate the IP addresses properly. To further requirement, mismanagement can also lead to wasted addresses and make the network configuration more complex compared to simple numbering schemes, but they do avoid some of the drawbacks of pure numbering.


Networking problems can therefore stem from battle and incorrect configuration of the IP addresses. Being aware of IP classes makes it easy to identify such problems if they exist and put them right swiftly.


Some types of domains can be blocked or allowed to be used in order to increase the level of protection within the network. Knowledge of the parts that make up an IP address helps to put measures in place in regard to the security of networks.

Finally, IP classes can be considered as the uniform addressing system which may be compared to the postcode system of the Internet space and which is to help classify numerous devices that are situated in various networks all around the world. For those who are working in the network environment, planning and maintaining them, as well as a cybersecurity professional, it is crucial to know the IP classes If you are interested in computers and are exploring what is behind them today, it would also be helpful for you to learn them.

Thank you for Reading.



Muhammad Musa

IT System Admin | Designer | Article Writer | Web Designing | IT Networking